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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CMP as %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Inherited description: project to CMP
Property methods: CMPDisplayToLogical(), CMPGet(), CMPIsValid(), CMPLogicalToDisplay(), CMPNormalize(), CMPSet()
property ClassDef as %Dictionary.ClassDefinition;
Property methods: ClassDefGet(), ClassDefGetObject(), ClassDefGetObjectId(), ClassDefGetSwizzled(), ClassDefIsValid(), ClassDefNewObject(), ClassDefSet(), ClassDefSetObject(), ClassDefSetObjectId(), ClassDefUnSwizzle()
property ClassName as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Property methods: ClassNameDisplayToLogical(), ClassNameGet(), ClassNameIsValid(), ClassNameLogicalToDisplay(), ClassNameLogicalToOdbc(), ClassNameNormalize(), ClassNameSet()
property EJB as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: EJBDisplayToLogical(), EJBGet(), EJBIsValid(), EJBLogicalToDisplay(), EJBNormalize(), EJBSet()
property GenerationType as %Dictionary.ClassDefinition;
Property methods: GenerationTypeGet(), GenerationTypeGetObject(), GenerationTypeGetObjectId(), GenerationTypeGetSwizzled(), GenerationTypeIsValid(), GenerationTypeNewObject(), GenerationTypeSet(), GenerationTypeSetObject(), GenerationTypeSetObjectId(), GenerationTypeUnSwizzle()
property HasBody as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: HasBodyDisplayToLogical(), HasBodyGet(), HasBodyIsValid(), HasBodyLogicalToDisplay(), HasBodyNormalize(), HasBodySet()
property Home as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HomeDisplayToLogical(), HomeGet(), HomeIsValid(), HomeLogicalToDisplay(), HomeNormalize(), HomeSet()
property JGPojo as %Compiler.LG.JavaPojoImpl;
Property methods: JGPojoGet(), JGPojoGetSwizzled(), JGPojoIsValid(), JGPojoNewObject(), JGPojoSet()
property Length as %Library.Integer;
Property methods: LengthDisplayToLogical(), LengthGet(), LengthIsValid(), LengthLogicalToDisplay(), LengthNormalize(), LengthSet()
property Local as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: LocalDisplayToLogical(), LocalGet(), LocalIsValid(), LocalLogicalToDisplay(), LocalNormalize(), LocalSet()
property NumRefs as %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: NumRefsDisplayToLogical(), NumRefsGet(), NumRefsIsValid(), NumRefsLogicalToDisplay(), NumRefsNormalize(), NumRefsSet()
property Remote as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: RemoteDisplayToLogical(), RemoteGet(), RemoteIsValid(), RemoteLogicalToDisplay(), RemoteNormalize(), RemoteSet()
property byref [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: byrefDisplayToLogical(), byrefGet(), byrefIsValid(), byrefLogicalToDisplay(), byrefLogicalToOdbc(), byrefNormalize(), byrefSet()
property generated [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: generatedDisplayToLogical(), generatedGet(), generatedIsValid(), generatedLogicalToDisplay(), generatedLogicalToOdbc(), generatedNormalize(), generatedSet()
property isSessionBean as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: isSessionBeanDisplayToLogical(), isSessionBeanGet(), isSessionBeanIsValid(), isSessionBeanLogicalToDisplay(), isSessionBeanNormalize(), isSessionBeanSet()
property javaname [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: javanameDisplayToLogical(), javanameGet(), javanameIsValid(), javanameLogicalToDisplay(), javanameLogicalToOdbc(), javanameNormalize(), javanameSet()
property jei as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Property methods: jeiDisplayToLogical(), jeiGet(), jeiIsValid(), jeiLogicalToDisplay(), jeiLogicalToOdbc(), jeiNormalize(), jeiSet()
property pinfo [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: pinfoDisplayToLogical(), pinfoGet(), pinfoIsValid(), pinfoLogicalToDisplay(), pinfoLogicalToOdbc(), pinfoNormalize(), pinfoSet()
property rinfo [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: rinfoDisplayToLogical(), rinfoGet(), rinfoIsValid(), rinfoLogicalToDisplay(), rinfoLogicalToOdbc(), rinfoNormalize(), rinfoSet()


method CalcException() as %String
method DisplayBulkInsert(Class As %String, hasBody As %Boolean)
method DisplayGetPrototype(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper, ByRef rinfo As %List, ByRef PropName As %String, ByRef JavaClassName As %String, Prefix As %String = "", CMP As %Integer = 0, ByRef IsStream As %Boolean, ByRef IsBinaryStream As %Boolean) as %Status
method DisplayJavaMethods(Class As %String, hasBody As %Boolean)
method DisplaySetPrototype(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper, ByRef rinfo As %List, ByRef PropName As %String, Prefix As %String = "", CMP As %Integer = 0, ByRef JavaClassName As %String = "", ByRef IsStream As %Boolean, ByRef IsBinaryStream As %Boolean) as %Status
method DisplayStream(Class As %String, IsBinaryStream As %Boolean, PropName As %String, CachePropName As %String) as %Status
method DoArgPostInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoArgPreInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoBodyIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, Length As %Integer) as %Status
method DoBodyTerminator(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoClassConstructors(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoClassIntroducer(Class As %String, qstruct) as %Status
method DoClassTerminator(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoDefArg(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoFileTerminator(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoGetDefinition(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoIIJJ(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoMethodIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoMethodInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoMethodsPreamble(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoPropertiesPreamble(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoPrototypeArgument(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoPrototypeArgumentDoc(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoPrototypeDefaultDoc(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoPrototypeIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, FileClass As %String) as %Status
method DoPrototypeIntroducerDoc(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, FileClass As %String) as %Status
method DoPrototypeTerminator(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoPrototypeTerminatorDoc(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, Length As %Integer) as %Status
method DoQueryMethod(Class As %String, query As %String, procname As %String, paramcount As %String, defaultArgs As %List) as %Status
method DoRefPreInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoSetDefinition(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoStoredProcedureMethod(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, SqlProc As %String) as %Status
method GenBeginTry(classname As %String) as %Status
method GenBeginTryMethod(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method GenEndTry(classname As %String) as %Status
method GenEndTryMethod(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method GetPropertyJavaDescription(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper, ByRef PropName As %String, ByRef declaredType As %String, ByRef JavaClassName As %String, ByRef rinfo As %List, ByRef collection As %Integer, ByRef IsStream As %Boolean, ByRef IsBinaryStream As %Boolean)
method JavaException(classname As %String) as %String
method JavaExceptionIndentForMethod(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %String
method MethodJavaException(classname As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %String
method NotDisplayed(ClassMethod As %Boolean) as %Boolean
method NotProjectMethod(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper)
classmethod NotProjectMethodClass(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, GenFlags As %Compiler.LG.GenFlags)
method NotProjectProperty(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper)
method SkipMethodBecauseOfByRefObjectHandle(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, showWarningMessage As %Boolean)
classmethod Test()
method ThrowJavaException(classname As %String) as %String
method ThrowMethodJavaException(classname As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %String
method generateConstructors(classname) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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