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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter AUTONS = 1;
Inherited description: If true, auto-switch namespace to whatever $NAMESPACE is passed in.
parameter PAGENAME = DeepSee Set Manager;
Inherited description: Name of this page.


property DefinitionClass as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "SETCLASS");
Property methods: DefinitionClassDisplayToLogical(), DefinitionClassGet(), DefinitionClassIsValid(), DefinitionClassLogicalToDisplay(), DefinitionClassLogicalToOdbc(), DefinitionClassNormalize(), DefinitionClassSet()
property SetName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "SETNAME");
Property methods: SetNameDisplayToLogical(), SetNameGet(), SetNameIsValid(), SetNameLogicalToDisplay(), SetNameLogicalToOdbc(), SetNameNormalize(), SetNameSet()


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Decorate the page.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Inherited description: Get the (localized) name of the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Inherited description: Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method GetOperatorInputs(pClassname As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetSetDefinitionObject(ByRef Params, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Inherited description: This callback, if implemented returns information used to display the standard ribbon bar.
pDisplay is true if the ribbon should be displayed.
pViewIcons is an array describing "view" buttons to display: pViewIcons(n) = $LB(id,help,icon)
pSortOptions is an array describing "sort" options to display: pSortOptions(n) = $LB(id,caption,help)
pSearch is true if a search box is displayed.
pRibbonTitle is a title to display.
pCommands is an array of command buttons to display: pCommands(n) = $LB(id,caption,help,onclick)
method SubmitSetDefinition(pCommand As %String, pProvider As %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, pSubmitObject As %RegisteredObject, Output pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
clientmethod cmdNew() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdOpen() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod createOperatorNode(name, parent, level, isOrphan) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod drawConnector(svg, fromNode, toNode, role) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod drawOperatorNode(svg, node, x, y) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getNodeCoords(node) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getOperatorProperties(index, operator) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getOperatorType(classname) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getOptionList(type, key, selected, exclude="") [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod newSetDefinition(setname, classname) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Subclass need to include the case "switchNamespace" if it is enabling "Switch" next to namespace.
clientmethod renderSet() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod saveSetDefinition(action) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod svgClickOperator(operatorIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateOperatorName(set, oldName, newName) [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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