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Represents a single module in the asl tree

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Asl as Asl;
The root of the asl tree
Property methods: AslGet(), AslGetSwizzled(), AslIsValid(), AslNewObject(), AslSet()
property Index as %Integer;
The index of this module
Property methods: IndexDisplayToLogical(), IndexGet(), IndexIsValid(), IndexLogicalToDisplay(), IndexNormalize(), IndexSet()


method Action(index As %Integer) as AslAction
An action at index
classmethod ByIndex(index As %Integer)
Returns a module in the default (currently only) asl at index
method FirstKey() as AslKey
The first key
method Key(index As %Integer) as AslKey
A key at index
method KeyCount() as %Integer
The count of keys
method LastKey() as AslKey
The last key
method Main() as AslMod
This module's main module
method NewModVal(name As %String) as MtVal
Create a var specific to this module by adding a mod-specific prefix to the name
method NextAction() as AslAction
Returns a new action at the next available index
method NextKey() as AslKey
Returns a new key at the next available index
Returns a new postkey at the next available index
method NextPrekey() as AslPk
Returns a new prekey at the next available index
method Pk(type As %Integer, index As %Integer) as AslPk
A pre- or postkey (specified by type) at index
method Postkey(index As %Integer) as AslPk
A postkey at index
method Prekey(index As %Integer) as AslPk
A prekey at index
method PreviousMod() as AslMod
The module with an index preceding this one.
method SetMain(mod As AslMod)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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