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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CurrentIndex as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
This holds the index of top of the stack
Property methods: CurrentIndexDisplayToLogical(), CurrentIndexGet(), CurrentIndexIsValid(), CurrentIndexLogicalToDisplay(), CurrentIndexNormalize(), CurrentIndexSet()
property IsEmpty as %Boolean [ Calculated , ReadOnly ];
This holds the is empty indicator
Property methods: IsEmptyDisplayToLogical(), IsEmptyIsValid(), IsEmptyLogicalToDisplay(), IsEmptyNormalize()
property Items as array of %String;
This property holds the stack items
Property methods: ItemsBuildValueArray(), ItemsCollectionToDisplay(), ItemsCollectionToOdbc(), ItemsDisplayToCollection(), ItemsDisplayToLogical(), ItemsGet(), ItemsGetObject(), ItemsGetObjectId(), ItemsGetSwizzled(), ItemsIsValid(), ItemsLogicalToDisplay(), ItemsLogicalToOdbc(), ItemsNormalize(), ItemsOdbcToCollection(), ItemsSet(), ItemsSetObject(), ItemsSetObjectId()


method Empty()
This method clears the stack
method IsEmptyGet() as %Boolean
This method determines if the stack is empty
method OutputToDevice()
method Pop()
This method pops an item off the stack, if the stack is empty an underflow exception will be thrown
method Push(Item As %String)
This method pushes an item onto the stack
method Top() as %String
This method retrieves the item at the top of the stack, if the stack is empty an underflow exception will be thrown

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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