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persistent class EMS.Service.SQLSecurityUpdate extends EMS.Service.Base

SQL Table Name: EMS_Service.SQLSecurityUpdate

Manages Distributed SQL Security API update messages received by a managed instance.

Method Inventory


parameter EVENT = EMSQMGRc;
The event name


classmethod DoSQL(command) as %Status
Execute SQL statement while protecting $Roles
classmethod GetLocalizedName() as %String
Get the localized name of the service This method must be overridden for each service
classmethod ProcessOneUpdate(update) as %Status
Process one update at the receiving instance.
classmethod SignalUpdater() as %Status
Signal update process. Useful for debugging if it gets stuck.
classmethod StopUpdater() as %Status
Signal update process to exit.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Service.Base)

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