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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property MaxState as %Integer;
Property methods: MaxStateDisplayToLogical(), MaxStateGet(), MaxStateIsValid(), MaxStateLogicalToDisplay(), MaxStateNormalize(), MaxStateSet()
property StatesGlobal as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: StatesGlobalDisplayToLogical(), StatesGlobalGet(), StatesGlobalIsValid(), StatesGlobalLogicalToDisplay(), StatesGlobalLogicalToOdbc(), StatesGlobalNormalize(), StatesGlobalSet()


method Add(state As %Integer, value As %String)
final method Get(state As %Integer, index As %Integer, default As %String = "")
final method GetCount(state As %Integer) as %Integer
method HasValue(state As %Integer, value As %String) as %Boolean
method Merge(toState As %Integer, fromState As %Integer)
method SetCount(state As %Integer, count As %Integer)
method ToC(file As %String = "")

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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