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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = EnsDICOM;
Domain for $$$Text() localizations
parameter HTMLTABLENAME = html;
Default HTML table name for html representation
Default HTML table title for html representation
parameter XMLTAG = xml;
Default top level XML tag for xml representation


property TransferSyntax as %String;
This holds the selected transfer syntax
Property methods: TransferSyntaxDisplayToLogical(), TransferSyntaxGet(), TransferSyntaxIsValid(), TransferSyntaxLogicalToDisplay(), TransferSyntaxLogicalToOdbc(), TransferSyntaxNormalize(), TransferSyntaxSet()


method Clear() as %Status
method ComposeStream(pStream, pTransferSyntax As %String) as %Status
Store the data set on the specified (binary) stream
method ExplicitGet() as %Boolean
Getter for Explicit property
method GetNextIndex(pPropertyReference As %String, pIndex As %String = "", Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %String
This VDOC Compliant method gets the next index for a subscripted VDOC reference
method GetVRAt(pPropertyPath As %String, Output pVR As %String) as %Status
This method provides the ability to determine the value representation of the referenced property. In general the VR of a particular property is fixed by the DICOM standard. However there are some properties, most notably the long binary values ( including the pixel data ) which have two alternative representations allowed. Generically the VR is referred to as OX meaning the data can be one of 'OB' (byte oriented) or 'OW' (word oriented). The generic VR referred to as XS means the data can be one of 'SS' (signed short) or 'US' (unsigned short).
method GetValueAt(pPropertyPath As %String, pFormat As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
This VDOC Compliant method gets the value of the given property.
This is implemented by the document class.
pPropertyPath contains the property path.
On success, if the value is long or contains pixel data a stream will be returned otherwise the data will be a regular string.
pFormat can be defined or not. If defined it can take the values "",0 or 1.
pFormat of "" is the same as not defined.
pFormat of 0 means return an empty string and not an error if the value does not exist.
pFormat of 1 means force an error if a value does not exist.
method HasDataGet() as %Boolean
Accessor for HasData
method Initialize(pStream, pTransferSyntax As %String) as %Status
This method initializes the object from a wirestream. The wirestream should contain data in a format specified by the transfer syntax.
method KeyGet() as %Integer
Accessor for the Key property
method OutputHtmlToDevice() as %Status
This methods dumps an Html description of the dataset to the current device
method OutputVDocToDevice() as %Status
This methods dumps an eye-readable VDOC description of the dataset to the current device
method OutputXmlToDevice() as %Status
This methods dumps an XML description of the dataset to the current device
method SetVRAt(pPropertyPath As %String, pVR As %String) as %Status
This method provides the ability to SET the value representation of the referenced property. In general the VR of a particular property is fixed by the DICOM standard. However there are some properties, most notably the long binary values ( including the pixel data ) which have two alternative representations allowed. Generically the VR is referred to as OX meaning the data can be one of 'OB' (byte oriented) or 'OW' (word oriented). The generic VR referred to as XS means the data can be one of 'SS' (signed short) or 'US' (unsigned short).
method SetValueAt(pValue As %String, pPropertyReference As %String, pAction As %String = "set", pKey As %String = "") as %Status
This VDOC Compliant method sets the value of the given property.
This is implemented by the document class.
pPropertyReference contains the property name.
pAction contains an action code: "set", etc..
pKey contains an optional key value.
method ShouldStopDecomposition(pTag As %Integer) as %Boolean
This method can be overriden by subclasses to cause the decomposition of a data set to be exited early. This is useful for parsing file meta data and wire protocol command sets

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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