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class ZENDemo.SVGBrowser extends

This page uses the SVG Owner Draw component to create a simple object browser.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = ZENDemo.Application;
Class name of application this page belongs to.
parameter DOMAIN;
Domain used for localization.
parameter PAGENAME = Zen Visual Navigator;
Displayed name of this page.


property currItemId as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "ID");
Id of current item in the diagram.
Property methods: currItemIdDisplayToLogical(), currItemIdGet(), currItemIdIsValid(), currItemIdLogicalToDisplay(), currItemIdLogicalToOdbc(), currItemIdNormalize(), currItemIdSet()
property lastItemId as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Id of last visited item in the diagram.
Property methods: lastItemIdDisplayToLogical(), lastItemIdGet(), lastItemIdIsValid(), lastItemIdLogicalToDisplay(), lastItemIdLogicalToOdbc(), lastItemIdNormalize(), lastItemIdSet()


classmethod BuildData()
Build sample data for the browser
classmethod CreateDiagram(pIndex As %Integer, ByRef pModel, pLastID As %String = "")
Given a simple model, draw it by sending JavaScript back to the client.
classmethod CreateModel(pID As %String, Output pModel)
Create an array that describes the model to be diagrammed.
classmethod DrawConnector(pAngle As %Float, pCount As %Integer = 0)
Create svg for a specific connector in the diagram
classmethod DrawItem(pID As %String, pType As %String, pAngle As %Float = 0, pLabel As %String = "")
Create svg for a specific item in the diagram
classmethod GetDiagramContents(pID As %String, pLastID As %String, pIndex As %Integer) [ ZenMethod ]
Execute server-logic to get SVG contents for Owner-draw component.
Return an array of quick links to be displayed by the locator bar.
clientmethod drawDiagram(svg) [ Language = javascript ]
Owner-draw notification for diagram component.
clientmethod selectItem(id) [ Language = javascript ]
Update contents of Owner-draw svg component.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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