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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %custom as %DeepSee.SetBuilder.CustomOperator;
Property methods: %customGet(), %customGetSwizzled(), %customIsValid(), %customNewObject(), %customSet()
property operatorClass as %String);
Property methods: operatorClassDisplayToLogical(), operatorClassGet(), operatorClassIsValid(), operatorClassLogicalToDisplay(), operatorClassLogicalToOdbc(), operatorClassNormalize(), operatorClassSet()


method %CloseCursor() as %Status
method %ContainsID(pID As %String, Output pSC As %Status) as %Boolean
method %GetActualTarget() as %String
Inherited description: Returns the effective target of this operator, which defaults to target if it is set. If not, logical operators will derive the target from the operators they depend on.
method %GetAsArray(Output pArray, pIgnoreProperties As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Inherited description: Main method to get all set members as an array of type pArray([member ID]) = $lb([properties...])
method %GetAsBitstrings(Output pBits) as %Status
method %GetMemberCount(Output pSC As %Status) as %Integer
method %Next(Output pSC As %Status) as %Boolean
method %OnInitialize() as %Status
method %OpenCursor() as %Status
Inherited description: Default implementation just reads from %GetAsArray()
method %SupportsBitstrings() as %Boolean

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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