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POST /Info/Listings/:cube

Returns information about the detail listings available for the given cube.

URL Parameters

cube Required. Logical name of the cube. This name can include slashes; see “Use of Slashes in Cube and KPI Names,” earlier in this book.

Request Body Details

This service uses the following property of the request body:

TYPE Optional. This property can be map or table. If this property is map, the server sends information only about map listings. If this property is table, the server sends information only about non-map listings. If this property is not specified, the server sends information about all kinds of listings.

Example Request

Example Response

For another example:

          {"name":"Custom Listing"},
          {"name":"Another Sample Listing by Date",
           "fields":"%ID As \"ID #\",DateOfSale As \"Sale Date\"",
          {"name":"Another Sample Listing with Customer Info",
           "fields":"%ID,Outlet->City \"Store Location\",Outlet->Country->Name Country,Product->Name Product,
                    ZipCode \"Customer ZipCode\",Latitude,Longitude","order":"",
          {"name":"Customer Info",
           "fields":"%ID,Outlet->City \"Store Location\",Outlet->Country->Name Country,Product->Name Product,
                    ZipCode \"Customer ZipCode\",Latitude,Longitude","order":"",

In the response object, the Result property contains a property called Listings, which contains an array of objects, one for each detail listing.

For information that applies to all response objects, see the discussion at the start of this reference.

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