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About This Book

This book is one of a set that describes how to build Ensemble productions that route and transform documents in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) formats. This book describes how to add HL7 Version 3 interfaces to Ensemble routing productions. It contains the following sections:

For a detailed outline, see the table of contents.

The following books provide related information:

  • Ensemble Best Practices describes best practices for organizing and developing Ensemble productions.

  • Developing Ensemble Productions explains how to perform the development tasks related to creating an Ensemble production.

  • Configuring Ensemble Productions describes how to configure Ensemble productions, business hosts, and settings. It also provides reference information on settings not discussed in this book.

  • Ensemble Virtual Documents explains how the concept of virtual documents allows Ensemble to provide efficient support for EDI document exchange.

For general information, see the InterSystems Documentation Guide.

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