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User Interfaces

The iKnow technology does not have a default user interface. This chapter describes a few sample user interfaces provided with iKnow. These can provide a convenient starting point when developing a query interface specific to your use of iKnow.

These sample user interfaces are found in the %iKnow.UI package, and are implemented as Zen pages, as described in the InterSystems Class Reference.

How to Display iKnow User Interfaces

  1. from the Caché Cube, access Studio.

  2. from the File drop-down menu, select Change Namespace. Select the %SYS namespace. Click OK.

  3. from the File drop-down menu, select Open.

  4. from the Open window, make sure that Include System Items is checked. Then select %iKnow->UI->and the desired user interface. Click Open. The source code for the user interface appears in the Class Editor (the main Studio window).

  5. click the View Web Page icon (the planet Earth icon). The user interface displays in your default browser. (Note that abstract classes cannot be displayed.)

For further details, refer to the Using Studio manual.

Abstract Portal

This is the superclass for all other portals and pages in the %iKnow.UI package. It groups a lot of reusable materials such as handling of domain ID, the "selected" source ID, metadata filters and paging for iKnow query-driven tables and groups. It is abstract, and cannot be run by itself, but should not impose restrictions on subclasses or component names, as long as the corresponding panes (optDomainPane, txtTermPane, optSourcePane and filterPane) are used.

The %iKnow.UI.AbstractPortalOpens in a new tab class has five subclasses that fall into two types:

  • The Loading Wizard, which provides a source file management interface.

  • The query portal interfaces, which provide different displays of source data, showing iKnow indexing and dictionary matching.

Abstract Source Viewer

This class extends the AbstractPortal superclass. It contains the ProcessInput() and DeleteCurrentVirtualSource() methods. It is abstract, and cannot be run by itself.

Loading Wizard

A management and maintenance interface that allows a user to easily choose (or manage) Domain and Configuration objects and then load files from a filesystem directly into a domain using %iKnow.Source.File.ListerOpens in a new tab. It also provides functionality to load metadata values from a CSV (comma-separated values) file with rows corresponding to files previously loaded through the File Lister. This operation automatically creates previously nonexistent metadata fields on the fly.

You can use the Caché Management Portal to access the Loading Wizard. From the System Explorer option, go to iKnow, then Domain Settings (System, iKnow Domains). Select the Sample Tools tab, then click the Loading Wizard button. Once in the Loading Wizard, follow the directions on the screen.

For further details on Domain and Configuration objects, refer to the “Setting Up an iKnow Environment” chapter. For further details on listing and loading, refer to the “Loading Text Data into iKnow” chapter.

Knowledge Portal

This is a sample Zen page query display interface with broad application. It shows a wealth of information about the various language elements identified by iKnow, including entities, CRCs, CCs and paths, providing a contextual at-a-glance view of what's in your data. The generic filters option allows for easily selecting subsets of a domain based on metadata criteria and the summary option provides quick access to the contents of the sources themselves. This interface provides a sample of how iKnow Smart Indexing can be used to quickly overview and navigate a large set of documents.

The Knowledge Portal offers straightforward examples of calling the different iKnow Query APIs from Zen, including top entities, similar entities, and related entities, with the frequency and spread for each.

The Knowledge Portal supports the use of black lists.

For a full description of features, refer to Knowledge Portal in the “iKnow Architect” chapter of this book.

Basic Portal

This sample Zen page query display interface is a simplified version of the Knowledge Portal. It displays entities and sources only. It does not display CRCs, CCs and paths. It provides filtering and summary capabilities, but by default it shows the full text of the source.

The Basic Portal supports the use of black lists.

Indexing Results

This sample Zen page query display interface looks at the Smart Indexing results for a single document to verify the correctness of the analysis done by the iKnow analysis engine. It shows how iKnow cuts up each sentence into a sequence of concepts (bold and highlighted), relations (underlined), and non-relevants (italic). The page also shows a frequency-sorted list of detected Concepts and CRCs. This page provides an option for loading input manually. This page offers an example of how %iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPI.GetParts()Opens in a new tab can be used for custom highlighting.

For a full description of features, refer to Indexing Results in the “iKnow Architect” chapter of this book.

For definitions of concepts, relations, CRCs, and non-relevants, refer to the “Conceptual Overview” chapter.

Matching Results

This sample Zen page query display interface gives for each document an overview of the different matching results in the document. It allows for easy browsing through match results against a dictionary and allows you to display the details of each individual match. It uses %iKnow.Matching.MatchingAPI.GetHighlightedSentences()Opens in a new tab to display the text with dictionary matches highlighted in color, and %iKnow.Matching.MatchingAPI.GetMatchElements()Opens in a new tab to display the details of a specific match including the dictionary name, its item and term, the match score, type of match and the entity matched. This interface provides a sample of how iKnow Smart Matching can be used to combine predefined information with Smart Indexing results.

For further details on matching, refer to the “Smart Matching: Using a Dictionary” chapter.

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