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Define objects.

Background Information

An object is a container for a set of values that are stored together or passed together as a set. An object often corresponds to a real-life entity, such as a patient, a patient diagnosis, a transaction, and so on.

To define a class that can represent objects, you create a class that inherit from the core InterSystems object classes. An instance of that class is an object. For details, see Using Caché Objects.

Available Tools

Defines registered objects. You can create these objects but you cannot save them. Registered objects are useful for carrying sets of related values that do not need to be stored.

Availability: All namespaces.

Defines persistent objects. You can create and save these objects.

A persistent class is automatically projected to a table that you can access via Caché SQL.

Availability: All namespaces.

%SerialObject class

Defines serial objects. A serial class is meant for use as a property of another object. You can create and delete these objects, but you cannot save them or open them independently of the object that contains them.

When contained in persistent objects, these objects have an automatic projection to SQL.

Availability: All namespaces.

These classes are explained extensively in Using Caché Objects.

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