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Device subtypes.


[DeviceSubTypes]    Name=n=a^b^c^d^e^f^g^h^i^j


Each entry provides nine up-arrow (^) values that define a device subtype. From left to right:

  • RightMargin—The number that represents the location of the right margin. Device output wraps at that number of characters.

  • FormFeed—The ASCII code that represents a form feed on the selected device in the form #,$C(code1,code2...). This setting is used by the Caché CHUI utilities.

  • ScreenLength—The number of lines that comprise one screen or page for the device.

  • Backspace—The ASCII code that represents the backspace character on the selected device in the form $C(code1). This setting is used by the Caché CHUI utilities.

  • CursorControl—The ASCII code that represents the cursor on the selected device in the form $C(code1).

  • EraseEOL—The ASCII code that represents erasing the end of line characters on this device in the form $C(code1,code2).

  • EraseEOF—The ASCII code that represents erasing the end of file character on the selected device in the form $C(code1,code2...).

  • ZU22FormFeed—The ASCII code that represents a form feed on the selected device in the form $C(code1,code2). This setting is used by Caché for Terminal output.

  • ZU22Backspace—The ASCII code that represents a backspace on the selected device in the form $C(code1). This setting is used by Caché for Terminal output.


The following is a sample [DeviceSubTypes] section. This example wraps long lines to fit them onto the viewing page. In the .cpf file itself, each entry appears all on one line:

C-ANSI=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^25^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H" 
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-Terminal=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_
(DX+1)_"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^
C-TV925=80^#,$C(27,44)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,61,DY+32,DX+32) S $X=DX,$Y=DY^^^
C-VT100=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT101W=132^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^14^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT132=132^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT220=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H" 
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-VT240=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H" 
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-VT52=80^#,$C(27,72)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,89,DY+32,DX+32) S $X=DX,$Y=DY^^^^

Range of Values

All default values depend on the device type.

Management Portal

On the page System Administration > Configuration > Device Settings > Device Subtypes is a list of existing subtypes. Select Create New Sub Type, Edit, or Delete to modify the list.

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