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CSPBind Attributes

Attribute Description Value
CSPBIND The name of the object property to be bound. String.
CSPCAPTION Name to use for property in error messages. String.
CSPNOTRIM If present, do not blank trim object values. No value: enabled if attribute is present.
CSPREQUIRED If present, indicates that a value must be supplied. No value: enabled if attribute is present.
CSPVALID Client-side JavaScript code to run to validate the element's contents. String.
DELIMITER Delimiter to use between elements of a list. String.

CSPText Attributes

Attribute Description Value
ARG1 Replaces %1 in the message text. String.
ARG2 Replaces %2 in the message text. String.
ARG3 Replaces %3 in the message text. String.
ARG4 Replaces %4 in the message text. String.
DOMAIN The optional application domain for looking up this text. %response.Domain is used if not specified. String.
LANGUAGE The optional RFC 1766 format language name for looking up this text. %response.Language is used if not specified. String.
TEXTID The text string identifier within the domain. String.

Core Attributes

Attribute Description Value
CLASS Space-separated list of classes. String.
ID Unique identifier. String.
STYLE Associated style info. String.
TITLE Advisory title. String.

Event Attributes

Attribute Description Value
ONBLUR The element lost the focus JavaScript code.
ONCHANGE The element value was changed JavaScript code.
ONCLICK A pointer button was clicked. JavaScript code.
ONDBLCLICK A pointer button was double clicked. JavaScript code.
ONFOCUS The element got the focus JavaScript code.
ONKEYDOWN A key was pressed down. JavaScript code.
ONKEYPRESS A key was pressed and released. JavaScript code.
ONKEYUP A key was released. JavaScript code.
ONMOUSEDOWN A pointer button was pressed down. JavaScript code.
ONMOUSEMOVE A pointer was moved within. JavaScript code.
ONMOUSEOUT A pointer was moved away. JavaScript code.
ONMOUSEOVER A pointer was moved onto. JavaScript code.
ONMOUSEUP A pointer button was released. JavaScript code.
ONSELECT Some text was selected JavaScript code.

General Attributes

Attribute Description Value
CHECKED For radio buttons and check boxes No value: enabled if attribute is present.
DISABLED Unavailable in this context No value: enabled if attribute is present.
MAXLENGTH Max chars for text fields Numeric value.
NAME Submit as part of form String.
READONLY For text and passwd No value: enabled if attribute is present.
SIZE Specific to each type of field Numeric value.
SRC For fields with images URI.
TYPE What kind of widget is needed “TEXT”, “PASSWORD”, “CHECKBOX”, “RADIO”, “SUBMIT”, “BUTTON”, “RESET”, “FILE”, or “HID”.
VALUE Specify for radio buttons and check boxes String.

Lang Attributes

Attribute Description Value
DIR Direction for weak/neutral text. “ltr”, or “rtl”.
LANG Language code. String.

Other Attributes

Attribute Description Value
ACCEPT List of MIME types for file upload String.
ACCESSKEY Accessibility key character String.
ALIGN Vertical or horizontal alignment “top”, “middle”, “bottom”, “left”, or “right”.
ALT Short description String.
ISMAP Use server-side image map No value: enabled if attribute is present.
TABINDEX Position in tabbing order Numeric value.
USEMAP Use client-side image map A URI.



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