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A format-transformation function that returns an expression in Logical format.



%ODBCIN expression


expression The expression to be converted.


%ODBCIN returns expression in the Logical format after passing the value through the field or data type’s OdbcToLogical method. The Logical format is the in-memory format of data (the format upon which operations are performed).

%ODBCIN is a Caché SQL extension.

For further details on display format options, refer to “Data Display Options” in the “Caché SQL Basics” chapter of Using Caché SQL.


The following example shows the default display format, the %ODBCIN, and the %ODBCOUT formats for the same field.

SELECT FavoriteColors,%ODBCIN(FavoriteColors) AS InVal,
%ODBCOUT(FavoriteColors) AS OutVal
FROM Sample.Person

The following example uses %ODBCIN in the WHERE clause:

FROM Sample.Person
WHERE DOB BETWEEN %ODBCIN('2000-01-01') AND %ODBCIN('2010-01-01') 

See Also


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