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Inserts a string into the active input buffer.


IH [text]
IBH text


text Optional — A string to insert into the input file buffer. text can be specified as a string literal, or as a reference to a buffer or a select list that contains the string literal. A reference must begin with a %, !, &, or # character, followed by a number (%2), or followed by another of the four reference characters (%%). No string delimiters are required for a string literal.


The IH PROC command is used to insert a string into the active input buffer. An IH with no argument defaults to the empty string.

IH removes blanks within the input string. IBH retains blanks within the input string.

IH inserts text at the input buffer pointer location. IH does not move the input buffer pointer.

If the primary input buffer (PIB) is active, IH clears the secondary input buffer (SIB).

Commonly, the space between the command name and the text is omitted, as shown in the following example:


This example resets the input buffer, then IH10 inserts the number 10 at the beginning of the input buffer. The F command advances the input buffer pointer, then IH20 inserts the number 20 as the second value in the input buffer.

In a PQN PROC, a backslash (\) in text clears the current input buffer element. In a PQ PROC, a backslash (\) in text is a literal character.

See Also

  • F PROC command

  • RI PROC command

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