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Exercise 5: Lookup Routine, version 1

  1. Start Studio, and create a new routine. This routine is also available in the SAMPLES namespace as lookup1.mac.

  2. Enter the following code:

    mylookup ; display an ordered list of matches
        ; user can enter a valid date of birth
    main    ; main section
        ; start looping
        for {
            do getsubmit() ; let user submit a string for lookup
            quit:(submit = "")
    getsubmit() [submit] ; ask user what to search for, and take appropriate action
        read !, "Lookup: ", submit
        quit:(submit = "")  ; user entered nothing
        ; figure out what user entered
        if (submit = "?") { ; display help
            do help()
        if $$validDOB^mydatent( submit ) { ; use validDOB^datent to verify the DOB
            write "...finding birthday"
            do dob()
    help()  ; display different types of lookups
        { write !, "You can enter:", !?10, "* date of birth", !! }
    dob()   [submit] ; perform dob lookup
        ; no partial matches
        set intdob = $$validDOB^mydatent( submit ) ; convert dob
        ; is the date of birth in the index?
        if '$data( ^PersonI("DOB", intdob) ) { ; determine if there are any matches
            write " matches"
        set loopid = ""
        ; loop through IDs, and number them
        for count = 1 : 1 {
            set loopid = $order( ^PersonI("DOB", intdob, loopid) )
            quit:(loopid = "")
            write !, count, ") "
            do display( loopid )
    display(id) ; given an ID, get data and write it
        set rec = ^PersonD( id )
        set name = $piece(rec, "^", 1)
        set phone = $piece(rec, "^", 2)
        set intdob = $piece(rec, "^", 3)
        write name, ?20, phone, ?35, $zdate(intdob, 2)
  3. Click File –> Save.

  4. Specify mylookup as the filename, and “Macro Routine” in the Files of type field. Click Save As.

  5. Start the Terminal, and run your routine, in the SAMPLES namespace, by typing do ^mylookup.

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