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Write Command

You use Write to display information. To display simple text, enclose it in double quotes: "Hello World!". You can use Write to write more than one thing at a time, by separating items in the list with commas. The special formatting controls (!, ?, and #) allow you to specify new lines, column positioning, and clear the screen, respectively. You can also evaluate expressions, which we'll cover soon.

Commands may be spelled out completely, or you can use the abbreviation, usually a single letter. Commands are not case-sensitive.

SAMPLES>write "Hello World!"
Hello World!
SAMPLES>write !, "This", !, "Is", !, "A", !, "Multi-line", !, "Message!", !


SAMPLES>write !, "This", ?9, "Is", ?18, "A", ?27, "Columnar", ?36, "Message!", !

This     Is       A        Columnar Message!

SAMPLES>write 7.95 * 1.15
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