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Demonstration: Using the Custom Schema in a Data Transformation

You can use the new custom schema, TutorialSchema:ADT_A01, within Ensemble in all the ways that you would use a standard HL7 schema. Creating Data Transformations involving custom schemas is particularly important. The remaining parts of this demonstration show you how to do this.

Specifically, the remaining demonstration steps instruct you to do the following:

  • Create a data transformation using TutorialSchema:ADT_A01 as the target message type.

  • Within the data transformation conditionally populate the ZWG segment of the target message based on values in the source message.

  • Add the new data transformation to a routing rule so that messages sent to target systems include the ZWG segment and its information.


You can read more about creating data transformations in the Data Transformations section of this tutorial.

You will build the data transformation using Data Transformation Language (DTL) and the Management Portal's graphical editor. You can read more about DTL in Developing DTL Transformations.

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