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Configuring PROTOCLASS

Before running PROTOCLASS on PERSON, you must configure it by setting the value of attribute number 5 of its VOC entry to “2D”. The Caché MV Shell provides a line editor that you can use for this.

  1. At the multivalue prompt in MyAccount invoke the editor with the ED.

    10 lines long.
  2. Move to line 5 and add “2D”. Then use the FI command to save the change.

    ----:R 2D
    0005: 2D
    "PROTOCLASS" filed in file "VOC".

This change instructs the MV Shell to support the standard file and item syntax when working with PROTOCLASS.


PROTOCLASS is intended to be customizable to provide the user with maximum control over class generation. The routine source code contains extensive documentation to help with customization.

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