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Document Model Node Types

The %XML.TextReaderOpens in a new tab class builds a document model structure that contains a series of nodes.

Each node represents a different “component” of the XML document (such as an element). As you move from node to node (by calling the Read method, for example), the %XML.TextReaderOpens in a new tab object's NodeType property is set to the type of the current node.

NodeType is a string and can have one of the following values:

Node Types
Type Description
“attribute” An XML attribute.
“cdata” A CDATA section.
“chars” A set of characters (such as content of an element).
“comment” An XML comment.
“element” The start of an XML element.
“endelement” The end of an XML element.
“entity” An XML entity.
“processinginstruction” An XML processing instruction.
“ignorablewhitespace” The white space between markup in a mixed content model.
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