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persistent class HoleFoods.Transaction extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: HoleFoods.SalesTransaction

Instances of this class represent specific transactions within the HoleFoods demo.
This table combines both "actual" data and "budget" data so that the sample cube can show comparisons between the two.
Actual records will have a true value for the Actual property.
Budget records will have a false value for the Actual property. The budget value will be stored in the TargetAmount property. Budget values are set for each city, product, and month (using the first day of the month).

Property Inventory


parameter DSTIME = auto;
Track changes to this class.


property Actual as %Boolean;
If true, this represents an actual sale otherwise this represents a sales target.
Property methods: ActualDisplayToLogical(), ActualGet(), ActualGetStored(), ActualIsValid(), ActualLogicalToDisplay(), ActualNormalize(), ActualSet()
property AmountOfSale as %Numeric (SCALE = 2);
Actual amount of this sale.
Property methods: AmountOfSaleDisplayToLogical(), AmountOfSaleGet(), AmountOfSaleGetStored(), AmountOfSaleIsValid(), AmountOfSaleLogicalToDisplay(), AmountOfSaleNormalize(), AmountOfSaleSet()
property Channel as %String (DISPLAYLIST = ",Retail,Online", VALUELIST = ",1,2");
Channel product was sold through: "Retail" or "Online".
Property methods: ChannelDisplayToLogical(), ChannelGet(), ChannelGetStored(), ChannelIsValid(), ChannelLogicalToDisplay(), ChannelLogicalToOdbc(), ChannelNormalize(), ChannelSet()
property Comment as %String (MAXLEN = 500);
Customer comment on this transaction (if any).
Property methods: CommentDisplayToLogical(), CommentGet(), CommentGetStored(), CommentIsValid(), CommentLogicalToDisplay(), CommentLogicalToOdbc(), CommentNormalize(), CommentSet()
property DateOfSale as %Date;
Date of this sale.
Property methods: DateOfSaleDisplayToLogical(), DateOfSaleGet(), DateOfSaleGetStored(), DateOfSaleIsValid(), DateOfSaleLogicalToDisplay(), DateOfSaleLogicalToOdbc(), DateOfSaleNormalize(), DateOfSaleOdbcToLogical(), DateOfSaleSet()
property Discount as %Numeric (SCALE = 2);
Discount amount.
Property methods: DiscountDisplayToLogical(), DiscountGet(), DiscountGetStored(), DiscountIsValid(), DiscountLogicalToDisplay(), DiscountNormalize(), DiscountSet()
property Latitude as %Double;
Latitude of customer (determined from zip code).
Property methods: LatitudeDisplayToLogical(), LatitudeGet(), LatitudeGetStored(), LatitudeIsValid(), LatitudeLogicalToDisplay(), LatitudeNormalize(), LatitudeOdbcToLogical(), LatitudeSet()
property Longitude as %Double;
Longitude of customer (determined from zip code).
Property methods: LongitudeDisplayToLogical(), LongitudeGet(), LongitudeGetStored(), LongitudeIsValid(), LongitudeLogicalToDisplay(), LongitudeNormalize(), LongitudeOdbcToLogical(), LongitudeSet()
property Outlet as Outlet;
Store or other outlet in which the sale occurred.
Property methods: OutletGet(), OutletGetObject(), OutletGetObjectId(), OutletGetStored(), OutletGetSwizzled(), OutletIsValid(), OutletNewObject(), OutletSet(), OutletSetObject(), OutletSetObjectId(), OutletUnSwizzle()
property Product as Product;
Product sold.
Property methods: ProductGet(), ProductGetObject(), ProductGetObjectId(), ProductGetStored(), ProductGetSwizzled(), ProductIsValid(), ProductNewObject(), ProductSet(), ProductSetObject(), ProductSetObjectId(), ProductUnSwizzle()
property TargetAmount as %Numeric (SCALE = 2);
For budget items, this is the target value for a period,region, and product.
Property methods: TargetAmountDisplayToLogical(), TargetAmountGet(), TargetAmountGetStored(), TargetAmountIsValid(), TargetAmountLogicalToDisplay(), TargetAmountNormalize(), TargetAmountSet()
property UnitsSold as %Integer;
Units sold.
Property methods: UnitsSoldDisplayToLogical(), UnitsSoldGet(), UnitsSoldGetStored(), UnitsSoldIsValid(), UnitsSoldLogicalToDisplay(), UnitsSoldNormalize(), UnitsSoldSet()
property ZipCode as %String (MAXLEN = 25);
US Zipcode of customer (if provided).
Property methods: ZipCodeDisplayToLogical(), ZipCodeGet(), ZipCodeGetStored(), ZipCodeIsValid(), ZipCodeLogicalToDisplay(), ZipCodeLogicalToOdbc(), ZipCodeNormalize(), ZipCodeSet()


index ($Transaction on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (DateOfSale on DateOfSale);
Index methods: DateOfSaleDisplayToLogical(), DateOfSaleExists(), DateOfSaleGet(), DateOfSaleGetStored(), DateOfSaleIsValid(), DateOfSaleLogicalToDisplay(), DateOfSaleLogicalToOdbc(), DateOfSaleNormalize(), DateOfSaleOdbcToLogical(), DateOfSaleSet()
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (Outlet on Outlet) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: OutletGet(), OutletGetObject(), OutletGetObjectId(), OutletGetStored(), OutletGetSwizzled(), OutletIsValid(), OutletNewObject(), OutletSet(), OutletSetObject(), OutletSetObjectId(), OutletUnSwizzle()
index (Product on Product) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: ProductGet(), ProductGetObject(), ProductGetObjectId(), ProductGetStored(), ProductGetSwizzled(), ProductIsValid(), ProductNewObject(), ProductSet(), ProductSetObject(), ProductSetObjectId(), ProductUnSwizzle()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (HoleFoods.Transaction)

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