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class HoleFoods.Utils extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Utility methods for the DeepSee "HoleFoods" demo. To create data for this DeepSee model, the easiest thing to do is to use the BuildData():
From the command line:
Do ##class(HoleFoods.Utils).BuildData(1000000,1,1)
The first argument is the number of records to create, the second argument indicates that index building should be done in parallel, the third is a verbose flag; if true, then progress is displayed as the data is built.

Method Inventory


classmethod AddData(pCount As %Integer = 100, pASync As %Boolean = 1, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
Add new records to the transactional data that will provide data for the DeepSee model. pCount is the number of records to create.
pAsync if true, indicates that parallel processing should be used to build the cube.
pVerbose if true, indicates that status messages should be written to the console.
classmethod AddProduct(pRecordID As %String, pSKU As %String, pNewName As %String)
Add a new product and update the cube.
classmethod BuildData(pCount As %Integer = 1000, pASync As %Boolean = 1, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
Build the transactional data that will provide data for the DeepSee model. Any old records will be deleted.
pCount is the number of records to create.
pAsync if true, indicates that parallel processing should be used to build the cube.
pVerbose if true, indicates that status messages should be written to the console.
classmethod ChangeCity(pRecordID As %String, pNewCityID As %Integer)
Add a new product and update the cube.
classmethod ChangeMeasure(pRecordID As %String, pUnitsSold As %Integer)
Add a new product and update the cube.
classmethod ChangeProductName(pProductID As %String, pNewName As %String)
Change the (display) name of the specified product.
classmethod CreateComment() as %String
Return a random comment for a transaction.
classmethod CreateGeoIndex(ByRef pRegionList) as %Status
Create a temp index of geo locations in the US.
classmethod DeleteRecords(pStartId As %Integer, pEndId As %Integer = "", pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
Delete a record in the transactional data that provides data for the DeepSee model. pStart is the starting Id of the source record to delete.
pVerbose if true, indicates that status messages should be written to the console.
classmethod GetCustomerLocation(pStoreCity As %String, Output pZipCode As %String, Output pLatitude As %Double, Output pLongitude As %Double) as %Boolean
Get city, latitude, and longitude for customer near the given store.
classmethod Setup(pCount As %Integer = 1000, pASync As %Boolean = 1, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
Add this alias so that each DeepSee sample has a Setup() method
classmethod SetupTermLists()
Purely for demo purposes, this method defines term lists used by this sample.
classmethod SetupVariables()
Purely for demo purposes, this method defines pivot variables used by this sample.
classmethod UpdateData(pCount As %Integer = 100, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
Update existing records to the transactional data that will provide data for the DeepSee model. pCount is the number of records to create.
pVerbose if true, indicates that status messages should be written to the console.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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